More Sperm in Art?
A search for other sperm-related artworks turned up the following results:
Anselm Kiefer's 20 Years of Solitude (1971-91): hundreds of books spattered with twenty years’ worth of the artist’s dry, yellow semen. Read more...
The British Jordan McKenzie, 40, engaged in epic auto-sexual orgies to create an exhibition, which is the result of his masturbating and ejaculating over the canvas. Read more...
Andres Serrano: although he's best-known for Piss Christ, he doesn't limit himself to just one bodily fluid in his art; he's also produced gorgeous photographic works that portrayed menstrual blood, human milk and, yes, our most beloved bodily fluid of all -- semen. Read more...
Bethann Shannon a.k.a. The Sperm Lady, who is all about bringing fun to safe sex awareness and sex education.
And what about eggs?
Chrissy Conant's Chrissy's Caviar: and it's not just any caviar, it's made from her very own eggs. "Product of the Chrissy Conant ovaries," the label reads. "Ingredients: one egg, human tubal fluid. Caucasian." Calories are not noted. Read more...